During a session held on Tuesday under the chairmanship of Prime Minister, Dr. Adel Safar, the Cabinet approved a bill on establishing a general scientific commission under the name "Measurement and Evaluation Center" affiliated to the Ministry of Higher Education.
The Center aims at developing the admission and qualification tests and the measurement tools at all the educational levels at the public and private bodies.
In a press statement after the session, Minister of Higher Education, Abdul Razzaq Sheikh Issa said that the Center will be responsible for choosing the suitable students for all the faculties according to an additional criterion along with the marks gained by the students in the baccalaureates.
He added that a qualified cadre will be trained to be able to set the required criteria and tests for examining the skills of the students in order to be admitted at the universities.
He indicated that the Center will also work on putting criteria to test the skills of the graduates to know how much they are suitable for the labor market in a way that would contribute to developing the educational process as a whole.